Scholarships guidelines

Guidelines for scholarship application for Young Specialists who wish to attend the XXIX Panamerican Congress of Otorhinolaryngology in Santiago-de-Chile 2025

Program description

The aim of the Panamerican Association of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery is to promote high-quality *educational interchange* between countries & members, promoting scientific and healthcare dissemination of our specialty in our continent.

Established in 2008, the goal of the visitor scholarship program is to facilitate attendance at the Panamerican Congress of Otorhinolaryngology for young ENT specialists who will in turn promote this scientific and healthcare development learnt in their countries of origin.

Program aims    

  • The goal is to donate scholarships valued in 1 000.00$ (US) each. Note: The scholarship will not fully cover the costs of the visit.    
  • The purpose of these Scholarships is to provide an aid to attend the XXIX Panamerican Congress of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, in Santiago-Chile from November 11th to 14th, 2025.

Congress attendance

The purpose of the scholarship is to help paying part of the costs of attendance. The scholarship recipient will have to cover any additional expenses above the value of the scholarship. The scholarship will be granted to the scholarship recipient during the Closing Ceremony of the Panamerican Congress where they must be present to receive it. The scholarship recipient will receive public recognition in the form of a certificate and a check for the amount of 1 000.00$ (US).


For applying, scholarship candidates have to meet the following requirements:


  • Young Otorhinolaryngology specialists with teaching or academic responsibilities.   
  • Otorhinolaryngology resident doctors.  
  • Only one author per scientific work can apply for the scholarship.    
  • Less than 5 years of specialist graduation and less than 40 years of age. 
  • Submit an abstract at the XXIX Panamerican Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Chile 2025 (please, check the Congress website)

Application instructions

Please, attach your documents in the following order:

  1. Registration form.
  2. A photo
  3. Curriculum vitae (short version - maximum three pages).
  4. Proof of the submitted abstract to the Congress and its summary.
  5. A personal statement of 150 words or less that describes your interests and goals. Explain in your own words why you should receive a scholarship to attend the Panamerican Congress and why it would be essential for your career as an otolaryngologist.   
  6. A recommendation letter from the chief of your department certifying that you have excelled in the performance of your responsibilities, as well as his/her recommendation to attend the Panamerican Course.

Deadline for the submission of the application: July 7th 2025

Please, send your registration from and all documents in the mentioned order to:


Download submission form